Nigerian Law Journals Academic

Jures De Novo (The New Law) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal published by the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of the Nigerian Law School, Yola Campus. The Journal aims to contribute to legal research and scholarship by providing a platform for academics, practitioners, jurists and students to exchange views on contemporary legal issues and developments with the objective of shaping legislation, promoting and influencing legal reform and policy review for the benefit of society.

The Editorial Board of the above-named Journal invites the submission of well-researched articles, case and statute review for publication in Volume 1, Number 1, 2019 of the Jures De Novo.

The Journal publishes articles in diverse areas of law subjects, ranging from corporate and commercial law to public and international law and other allied legal issues.

Articles submitted for publication in the Journal are subjected to double-blind peer review process to ensure that articles published meet acceptable standards for scholarly publications.  Articles should be submitted electronically by email to

The length for articles should be between 8-10 pages, case review 7 pages, and statute review 7 pages maximum.

Authors should strictly comply with the NALT Uniform Citation Guide-Style Referencing (Part II) available on the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers (NALT) website.

Deadline for submission of articles is 7 March, 2019.


All enquiries should be forwarded to:  or call: +2348139083048; +2348101506344

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