Introduction To Nigerian Legal Research

Introduction To Nigerian Legal Research Copyright © 2019 By Leesi Ebenezer Mitee

The webpage is just a preliminary draft outline being prepared to feature an introduction to Nigerian legal research. The piece will be written as soon as possible. Thank you so much for visiting this website.

Introduction to Nigerian Legal Research by Leesi Ebenezer Mitee discusses modern Nigerian law research issues: sources, resources, problems, and prospects. The main headings include the following:

Nigerian Law Books

Nigerian Law eBooks (e-Books)

Nigerian Law Research

Nigerian Law Resources

Nigerian Law Websites

Sources Of Nigerian Law

According to Frank in his book, The General Principles of English Law (1975): “When we talk about the sources of law we may be referring to one of two things. We may be thinking in the first place of where rules of law may be found, such as law reports, copies of Acts of Parliament, law text-books, and other written material. On the other hand, the search for the sources of law may lead us to investigate from where law comes – that is to say, where and how the legal rules which to-day govern our conduct originated. It is in this latter meaning that we shall be discussing the sources of English law. The main sources of English law in this sense are: (a) Common law; (b) Equity; (c) Legislation; (d) Law Merchant; (e) Custom.” [1]

[1] The General Principles of English Law (1975), p. 13.

Problems Of Nigerian Legal Research

Prospects Of Nigerian Legal Research

Nigerian Legal Information

Nigerian Public Legal Information

Some basic definitions of the term “research”:

“The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.” Oxford Dictionary (Online)

“careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to discover or establish facts or principles.” Collins Dictionary (Online)

“a detailed study of a subject in order to discover information or achieve a new understanding of it.” Cambridge Dictionary (Online)

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