Ife Institute Of Advanced Studies
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This is the official call for papers by Ife Institute of Advanced Studies.

Call for Papers  

Ife Institute of Advanced Studies

Invites paper/panel abstract proposals  

2019 Pre-Summer Institute Conference 


Virtue and spirituality in the African Public and Workplace: A Multidisciplinary Approach

July 19 & 20, 2019

The diversity of religious traditions and the incontrovertible evidence of their private significance and public visibility have provoked debates about the norms for determining their legitimate boundaries and measuring their social relevance. Perhaps, more than any other area, the workplace is the explicit context where questions about the value of religion and spirituality as public goods are often raised. On the one hand, religious people are eager to display their religious beliefs, symbols, and other paraphernalia in their places of work, including spending official time to engage in religious activities. Even officialdom has become complicit with the practice of instituting prayers or praise worships at the beginning of meetings, programmes and events. Yet, the constitutions of many African countries impose limits on the extent to which religion can be thrust into official arenas. Moreover, there appears to be wide divergence between the avowed moral teachings and values of religious traditions and the actual conduct of their adherents, especially on matters bordering on probity, civic virtues, and fiduciary obligations. Sundry cases of corruption in many African countries have implicated high-profile religious individuals, lay and clerical, with many of such corruptions involving religious institutions themselves.

The purpose of this two-day conference is to examine from various disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological perspectives the different aspects of the complex nexus among societal and human expectations, religion, spirituality, ethical virtues, and workplace. Papers are invited on topics such as:

  • Religious and ethical perspectives on work
  • The Moral meaning of work
  • Workplace ethos and ethics
  • Constitutional perspectives on religion and spiritual perspective in the workplace
  • The attitudes of religious people to work (an ethnographic or sociological approach)
  • The impact of religious activities on work environment
  • The conundrum of the secular state and workplace proselytizing (evangelizing)
  • The religious/spiritual person as an ethical employee: a legitimate expectation or false assumption?
  • Workplace religiosity and gender dynamics/expectation
  • Workplace religious activities and love connection: (a sociological/historical/ ethnographic study of family values attitudes)
  • Workplace religious activities (devotion, prayers time, etc.) and productivity: negative or positive?
  • The psychological benefits/impact of religious/spiritual values on work
  • Religious teachings and dress codes in the workplace
  • Values compromise/maintenance in the workplace
  • Religious identity and employment/workplace discrimination
  • Religious pluralism/spiritual diversity and workplace pragmatism
  • Religious and secular approaches to discipline enforcements in the workplace
  • Islamic, Christian, or indigenous religious approach/perspectives on any aspects of the above topics  etc. etc.

Submission Guidelines

Interested persons should send a 250-word abstracts, proposals and other forms of contribution. The deadline for submission of proposals is April 15, 2019. Successful applicants will be notified by April 30, 2019.

The full draft of accepted papers are due by June 30, 2018. Abstracts should include the following information: (a) author(s), (b) institutional affiliation, (c) email address, (d) phone numbers, (e) title of paper or presentation, (f) abstract of maximum 250 words, and (g) 4-5 keywords.

Send paper/panel abstract proposals to: summerinstituteife.ng@gmail.com with “2019 Pre-Summer Conference” in the Subject line.

Conference Registration Fee: 10,000.00 for Participants and 5,000.00 Naira for Students: Registration fee covers conference programme, two breakfasts and two lunch meals. Selected high quality presentations will be peer-reviewed and considered for publication in an international journal.

Conference Venue:

Coulibaly Hall, African Regional Institute for Geospatial Information Science and Technology (formerly RECTAS), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.


Prof. Simeon O. Ilesanmi (Wake Forest University, USA)

Prof. Afe Adogame (Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton University, USA) 

Prof. Tayo Adesina (University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria)

Prof. David Ogungbile (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria)

Hotels & Accommodations in Ile-Ife, Nigeria   

  1. Conference Centre: 08038812512 (On Campus Accommodation)
  2. RECTAS: 0905 224 7337 (Conference Venue)
  3. Centre for Energy Research & Dev.: 0806 021 0581 (On campus Accommodation)
  4. NACETEM Guest House: 0706 639 4000 (On campus Accommodation)
  5. Kris Court, Campus second gate at Road 7 0803 313 7401 (Off Campus)
  6. JAO Hotel, Awoyeku Street, Off Road 7 0703 776 9535 (Off campus)
  7. Hotel de Treasure, Ibadan Road 0813 442 8100 (Off campus)
  8. Cameron Hotel, Ibadan Road 0803 558 4532 (Off campus)
  9. Diganga Hotel, Ibadan Road 0803 442 5970
  10. Xela Hotels, Mayfair: 0802 555 9495 (Off campus)
  11. Hillsprings, HotelOndo Road, Modakeke: 0803 225 7157; 0803 227 5625 (Off campus)
  12. Hilton, Mayfair: 0806 022 5555 (Off campus)

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