Mrs Iniobong Irene Pepple Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Executive Committee Member

Nigerian Lawyers Directory Congratulates Mrs Ini Irene Pepple on her Successful Tenure as Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Assistant Financial Secretary

Copyright © 29 August 2020 By Dr. Leesi Ebenezer Mitee

The Nigerian Lawyers Directory, Google’s best-ranked directory of Nigerian lawyers and law firms, heartily congratulates Mrs Iniobong Irene Pepple on her successful tenure as Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Assistant Financial Secretary that ended yesterday, 28 August 2020.

Ini’s fulfilment of her election promise to help modernise the Nigerian Bar Association’s accounting system and introduce the NBA national online payment gateway for efficient and seamless payment of the annual bar practice fees and other payments is a significant achievement, indeed.

The Nigerian Lawyers Directory is extremely proud to have been associated with her tenure as the NBA National Assistant Financial Secretary from 2018 to 2020 and wishes her bounteous reward for her contribution to the modernisation of the NBA system and greater heights in her future endeavours.

It may be recalled that the Nigerian Lawyers Directory had endorsed Mrs Ini Irene Pepple for the post of National Assistant Financial Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association on 18 July 2018 in its statement, NBA Elections 2018: Nigerian Lawyers Directory Stands With Ini Irene Pepple, published on its website and circulated worldwide on social media platforms. Part of the statement reads thus:

Nigerian Lawyers Directory is, among other things, particularly impressed with Irene’s correct emphasis on revolutionizing the accounting and payment system of the NBA with the application of modern technology.

The Nigerian Lawyers Directory also published the Statement of Iniobong Irene Pepple: Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Elections 2018 on 3 August 2018 as part of its support for her candidacy.

Thereafter Dr. Leesi Ebenezer Mitee, the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Nigerian Lawyers Directory, published the article, The Urgent Need for Online Payment of Nigerian Lawyers’ Annual Practising Fees and Dues, on 7 December 2018 in which he stated categorically:

One area that needs the urgent attention of the current Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Executive Committee (NEC), led by Paul Usoro SAN, is online payment of all annual practising fees and Branch dues by all Nigerian legal practitioners. . . . Changing the antiquated payment method to a modern online payment system should therefore be a high priority of the Paul Usoro-led administration. If the administration is unable to achieve this, it may haunt this current NBA National Executive, as the issue of online payment featured during the elections that brought them into office and has been canvassed by NBA members, including the author of this piece.

Following the historic implementation of the first Nigerian Bar Association’s online payment system, the Nigerian Lawyers Directory published the article, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Bar Practice Fees Online Payment: A Detailed Guide, on 10 February 2019. Part of the article reads thus:

“Wow! History was made on 10 February 2019, when the Paul Usoro SAN-led Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Executive Committee announced the launch of the first-ever NBA online payment system (portal) for the association’s payment of the statutorily mandatory annual practising fees by all lawyers who have been called to the Nigerian Bar as Barristers and solicitors of the Supreme Court of Nigeria (licensed legal practitioners). Bravo! Congratulations!

Immense thanks, Mrs Iniobong Irene Pepple, for making the Nigerian Lawyers Directory proud. The Rivers State of Nigeria Bar and the Port Harcourt Bar, to which you belong, must also be extremely proud of your achievement as their worthy ambassador.

Dr. Leesi Ebenezer Mitee
PhD in international human rights law, legal information technology (legal informatics), indigenous customary law and indigenous rights
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Nigerian Lawyers Directory

29 August 2020

Dr. Leesi Ebenezer Mitee

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