The full official text of the current Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Constitution (with all amendments incorporated) is available below. You can download the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Constitution 2015 via the link below the PDF viewer.
1. Name
The Association shall be called the Nigerian Bar Association.
2. Head Office/National Secretariat
The National Secretariat of the Association shall be situated at the Federal Capital of Nigeria, provided that the Association may maintain liaison offices in other cities/towns as the National Executive Committee may decide from time to time.
3. Aims and Objects
The aims and objects of the Association shall be the:
- Maintenance and defence of the integrity and independence of the Bar and the Judiciary in Nigeria.
- Promotion and advancement of Legal Education, Continuing Legal Education, Advocacy and Jurisprudence.
- Improvement of the system of administration of justice, its procedures, and the arrangement of court business and regular law reporting.
- Establishment, maintenance, and operation of a system of prompt and efficient legal aid and assistance for those in need but who are unable to pay for same.
- Promotion and support of law reform.
- Maintenance of the highest standard of professional conduct, etiquette and discipline.
- Promotion of good relation among the members of the Association and lawyers of other countries.
- Promotion of co-operation between the Association and other National or International Law Organisations and such other bodies as may be approved by the National Executive Committee.
- Encouragement and protection of the right of access to courts at reasonably affordable fees and of representation by counsel before courts and tribunals.
- Encouragement of the establishment of a National Law Library.
- Promotion and protection of the principles of the rule of law and respect for the enforcement of fundamental rights, human rights, and people’s rights.
- Creation of schemes for the encouragement of newly qualified members and assistance to aged or incapacitated members of the Association.
- Establishment of schemes for the promotion of the welfare, security, and economic advancement of members of the legal profession.
- Creation and maintenance of an Endowment Fund for the proper observance and discharge of any of these aims and objects.
4. Membership
There shall be two categories of membership: Full Membership, and Honorary Membership.
1. Full Membership
a. A full member of the Association shall be any person duly enrolled at the Supreme Court of Nigeria as a legal practitioner and registered with a Branch of the Association.
b. Notwithstanding the provision of Section 4(1)(a), any member who fails or neglects to pay the prescribed Annual Practising Fees before the end of March in each year shall, for as long as he/she remains in default, have no right:
i. Of audience in any court in Nigeria;
ii. To prepare, authenticate, or frank any legal documents including Memorandum and Articles of Association;
iii. To hold any office whatsoever by virtue of his/her qualification as a legal practitioner;
iv. To vote or be voted for at any election of the association;
c. A failure or neglect to pay the Annual Practising Fees and Branch Dues, as and when due, shall be deemed to be an act of professional misconduct.
2. Honorary Membership
a. The honorary member of the association shall be any member of the Legal Profession within or outside Nigeria who is admitted as such by the Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the National Executive Committee, and shall include serving and retired judges, and magistrates.
b. Such an honorary member may attend and, if permitted by the presiding officer, speak at any Annual General Meeting or other meetings of the Association.
c. An honorary member of the Association shall not be required to pay any subscription, dues, or levies, and shall not be entitled to be a National Officer of the Association. . . .
Download The Full Official Text Of The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Constitution 2015
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